Khusus yang geek 🙂 , terbiasa bekerja di konsol, dan juga tentunya suka googling. Silahkan coba Ini google versi konsol, yaitu untuk melakukan perintah dengan mengetik command-command tertentu. ini masih beta tapi berfungsi dengan baik, dan bukan secara resmi produk dari google.
Goosh berlisensi open source di bawah Artistic License/GPL.
Berikut ini list command-command yang tersedia.

command aliases parameters function
web (search,s,w) [keywords] google web search
news (n) [keywords] google news search
more (m) get more results
blogs (blog,b) [keywords] google blog search
read (rss,r) <url> read feed of url
feeds (feed,f) [keywords] google feed search
place (places,map,p) [address] google maps search
translate (trans,t) [lang1] [lang2] <words> google translation
images (image,i) [keywords] google image search
video (videos,v) [keywords] google video search
clear (c) clear the screen
wiki (wikipedia) [keywords] wikipedia search
help (man,h,?) [command] displays help text
cd <command> change mode
site (in) <url> <keywords> search in a specific website
open (o) <url> open url in new window
go (g) <url> open url
lucky (l) [keywords] go directly to first result
ls [command] lists commands
addengine add goosh to firefox search box
load <extension_url> load an extension
calculate (calc) [mathematical expression] evaluate a mathematical expression
settings (set) [name] [value] edit settings
gmail (mail) [compose] read & write mail in gmail *
login login with your google account *
logout log out of goosh *

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By alfach

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