Berdasarkan pengalaman, salah satu alasan yang membuat pengguna sulit bermigrasi ke linux adalah karena keterbatasan game yang terdapat di linux. Kebanyakan kalau begini, masuk ke kategori game online. Ya beginilah negara kita, lebih banyak menjadi konsumen, dibanding mengembangkan sesuatu 😛 . Ya memang tidak salah sih jika memang game ini diperlukan sebagai pelepas penat, pelepas rasa suntuk yang mungkin banyak di alami.

So, sebagai tanda bahwa linux sebagai sistem operasi yang “halal” dibanding menggunakan bajakan, rasa tenang kerap hinggap. Di linux pun tidak kalah game-nya. Berikut ini ada 42 game terbaik dilinux eh ada 84 game, bahkan dengan beberapa nilai plus, yaitu :

  • Free to play (bebas, tanpa dikenakan ketika mendownload, tidak ada biaya bulanan).
  • Tidak memerlukan wine untuk menjalankannya. Wine ini yang biasanya digunakan untuk menjalankan game windows di linux.
  • Sudah cukup matang.

List ini saya dapatkan dari, dan untuk melihat halaman detail dan screenshotnya akan direfer ke web tersebut. Semoga dengan list di bawah bukan membuat semakin keranjingan main game, tapi game di gunakan (baca : dimainkan) ketika saat-saat dibutuhkan, jangan sampai kelewatan ya 🙂 . Dan di linux pun ada beberapa game yang berguna untuk anak-anak, yaitu melatih kecerdasan. Selamat bermain !

Alien Arena 2008 Fast paced deathmatch shooter
AstroMenace 3D Scrolling Space shooter
Nexuiz Chaotic and intense multiplayer First Person Shooter
OpenArena Based on the Quake III Arena source, similar to Open Quartz
Secret Maryo Chronicles Two-dimensional, sidescrolling jump-and-run platform game
Tremulous Aliens vs Humans action/strategy First Person Shooter
Urban Terror Total conversion/stand-alone First Person Shooter
Warsow Fast Paced First Person Shooter
Armagetron Advanced Enhanced version of Armagetron, a 3D lightcycle game
Critical Mass Space shoot’em up
ManiaDrive Clone of Trackmania: 3D, stunts and skills
Rhythm video game
SuperTuxKart 3D kart racing game, with many tracks, characters, and items for you to try
Wormux Worms clone
Role Play
Crossfire Cooperative multiplayer graphical RPG and adventure game
Daimonin Massive Multi-player online RPG
NetHack Classic dungeon crawling
Battle for Wesnoth Fantasy turn-based where you battle for control of villages
Freeciv Turn-based multiplayer empire-building
FreeCol Implementation of Colonization
FreeOrion Galactic Conquest
Glest 3D real-time customizable strategy
Scorched 3D Based on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth “The Mother Of All Games”
Spring Gameplay experience of Total Annihilation (TA) into three dimensions
UFO: Alien Invasion X-COM inspired turn based 3D strategy game
Warzone 2100 RP 3D realtime strategy set on a future Earth
FlightGear General Aviation Flight Simulator
Frets On Fire
Musical skill and fast fingers
OpenTTD Clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”
TORCS Racing Car Simulator
FooBillard OpenGL-billard game with realistic physics, AI-player and many gametypes
Slam Soccer 2006 Comic style football game
Board & Card
Monopoly-like game
KMahjongg Mahjongg Solitaire
PyChess Chess Client
Fish Fillets NG Port of Fish Fillets from Altar Interactive
Frozen Bubble Throw colourful bubbles to build groups and destroy the groups
Neverball Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course
Pingus Lemmings-like game
Game Engines
GemRB Clone of BioWare’s Infinity Engine
Sauerbraten 3D game engine
ScummVM Interpreter for 2D adventure games with several integrated engines
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AssaultCube First-person-shooter based on the game Cube
Excalibur: MR Fantasy first-person shooter
Hexen II: HT Polished Port of Hexen II
TrueCombat:Elite Modern world total conversion modification of Wolfenstein:ET
Vega Strike 3D Action / Space / Simulation that lets you trade, fight, and explore
Wolfenstein: ET Wage war as Axis or Allies in team-based combat
World of Padman Conceived as a modification of Quake III Area, entitled PadMod
X-Moto Challenging 2D motocross platform game
Chromium B.S.U Top down fast paced high action scrolling space shooter
Kobo Deluxe 2D shooter with a simple and responsive control system
LBreakOut2 Clone of Arkanoid with lots of enhancements
OpenLieroX Real-time excessive Worms-clone with network support
Penguin Command Clone of the classic “Missile Command”
Role Play
Egoboo Variant of Nethack and Rogue
Eternal Lands Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) like RuneScape
Planeshift 3D persistent fantasy MMORPG
Project Diaspora Clone of Diaspora, a trading MMORPG
Regnum Online Fantasy MMORPG game set in a 3D virtual world
RuneScape Java based MMORPG
Battle Tanks Fast 2D tank game with multiplayer and split-screen modes
Bos Wars Futuristic Real-Time Strategy
BZFlag 3D first person tank shooting
Crimson Fields Hex-based tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
Globulation 2 Innovative Real-Time Strategy
HedgeWars Worms-like turn based strategy game
netPanzer Isometric view real-time multiplayer tactical game
Savage 1 Combines aspects of real-time strategy and first-person shooter
Danger from the Deep World War II German tactical submarine simulator
GL-117 3D action flight simulator
Oolite Retro 3D Space Simulation in the style of the classic Elite
Racer Car simulation project using professional car physics
VDrift Driving simulation with drift racing in mind
Bygfoot Football management game
Board & Card
gnubg Playing and analysing backgammon
PokerTH Implementation of the Texas hold’em poker game
PySolFC Collection of more than 1000 solitaire card games
Crack Attack! Similar to the Super Nintendo classic game “Tetris Attack”
Enigma Find uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones
gbrainy Train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities
Game Engine
Crystal Space 3D Game Toolkit
Delta3D Designed for training, education, visualization, and entertainment
GCompris Suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10
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By alfach

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