Oke, mungkin ini telat. Tapi lebih baik telat dibanding tidak sama sekali 😀 Phonegap atau dikenal juga Callback atau cordova project baru saja merilis versi terbaru. Update ini memiliki banyak bug fixes dibanding versi sebelumnya yaitu 1.4.1. Namun perubahan ini, membuat kebanyakan developer kesulitan, karena ternyata (salah satunya) class DroidGap yang membuat error.

Ternyata, developer untuk menggunakan versi 1.5 ini harus mengedit yang sebelum nya “import com.phonegap.*;” menjadi  “import org.apache.cordova.DroidGap;” . Hmm, banyak developer yang mengeluhkan karena dokumentasinya tidak ter-update. Ya, ini menjadi catatan tersendiri bagi para phonegap developer.

Berikut ini list perubahan di versi 1.5 :


    CB-75 contact.remove does not remove the contact fully
    Missing first line of license in header.
    Add cordova.android.js from common-js build.
    Update build to use new common cordova.android.js instead of building js from multiple Android js files.
    Call js code using new common js way.
    Arguments are passed as JSON array, not JSON object.
    Add cordova.android.js from common-js build.
    Update build to use new common cordova.android.js instead of building js from multiple Android js files.
    File APIs should return error code instead of object.
    Updating cordova.android.js with File API fixes.
    Fix WebSQL for Android 4.0.2.
    Adding unsupported action plugin result return if invalid action string is specified to accel and compass listener plugins
    woops java type checks! love it!
    changing JS invoked from native to work with modular js
    Changed JavaScript invoked from PluginResult native code to use new modular JS approach
    Unifying File API error code/response style
    removing unnecessary try/catch
    Return string for root location in requestFileSystem
    Prefix URIs for file API with file:/// and persistent storage should never point to SD card
    Need to add/trim file:// where applicable
    truncating file:// protocol where applicable in metadata func
    remove file:// protocol from various fileutils remove methods
    remove file:// protocol from various fileutils methods
    remove trailing slash
    Use strings not objects
    trim file:// URI from uri->path conversion method
    more file:// URI truncation :D
    Adding unsupported action plugin result return if invalid action string is specified to accel and compass listener plugins
    woops java type checks! love it!
    changing JS invoked from native to work with modular js
    Changed JavaScript invoked from PluginResult native code to use new modular JS approach
    Unifying File API error code/response style
    removing unnecessary try/catch
    Return string for root location in requestFileSystem
    Prefix URIs for file API with file:/// and persistent storage should never point to SD card
    Need to add/trim file:// where applicable
    truncating file:// protocol where applicable in metadata func
    remove file:// protocol from various fileutils remove methods
    remove file:// protocol from various fileutils methods
    remove trailing slash
    Use strings not objects
    trim file:// URI from uri->path conversion method
    more file:// URI truncation :D
    updating cordova.android.js. This resolves CB-283: unregistration of backbutton event handlers do not fire appropriate native method
    updating cordova.js to include camera constants fix. added clean dependency to build-javascript target in ant file
    Switching headers. Got OK months ago from Simon and Bryce on re-write. No Android Demo code in current project
    Changing to CordovaInterface in preparation of CordovaWebView
    Change related to FileTransfer, need to get a test going for this somehow
    Adding custom headers to upload
    Moved the CordovaInterface over to master, doing this before working on CordovaJS
    Fix to CordovaInterface methods, DroidGap has the managedQuery since it inherits from Activity. (CB-282)
    Reverting interface change, not enough time for testing, need to remove it manually
    Putting back the CordovaInterface work after talking with Simon
    Updating the JS, even though it shouldn’t be here. CB-290
    Rename to Cordova
    Fixing MediaFileData problem for MP4 video types
    Adding com.phonegap.api stubs for legacy user created plugins
    Refactor out the Java casting code
    Redirect Issue
    Fix issue with document.location.href not calling loadUrlIntoView
    Removing extraneous logging from DroidGap.java left over from rebase
    Refactoring the checks for file:// into a convenience method
    CB-3: Apache source headers in callback-android
    Fixing app crash when clicking Menu or Back buttons while splashscreen is being shown.
    Tagging 1.5.0rc1
    Adding startActivity method to CordovaInterface as many plugins rely on this method
    Fixing the call to Media.onStatus()
    Switching to require syntax for AudioPlayer
    Revert change in location of FileSystem
    Updating cordova.android.js to latest version from Apache git repo
    Updating cordova.android.js to override FileReader
    Tagging 1.5.0
    Adding support for legacy plugins
Tulisan Lain   Tutorial : Mendapatkan Tipe GSM/CDMA yang Digunakan Pada Android


    CB-5: Switching license to Apache license.
    CB-226 Rename to Cordova.
    Delete plugin template.
    Properly recognize when alternate simulator path specified.
    Add Entry.toURL, deprecate Entry.toURI.


    Fixed memory allocation warnings from analyzer
    Updates for 1.5.0rc1
    Update FileEntry and DirectoryEntry to deprecate toURI() and add toURL
    Fix NSLog crash in CDVWhitelist.m – parameter order reversed
    Update to version 1.5
    added german/swedish localization for fix #162
    Change Reachability to PGReachability to avoid clashes with other libs
    Updated the Upgrade Guide for 1.4.1
    Added UIWebViewBounce key to PhoneGap.plist (default is YES) (originally from an @alunny pull request)
    Updated README.md FAQ item #5 (upgrades)
    Added the German and Swedish resources to the Xcode templates
    Fixes CB-149 – Black Bar visible after landscape video
    Fixes CB-221 – On an orientation change, the orientationchange event not fired on iOS 3 and 4 (it is however fired on iOS 5)
    Rename PhoneGap to Cordova.
    Fixed typo, added missing step.
    Cordova rename fixes.
    Completed Cordova Guides for 1.5.0
    Fixed CB-253 – Xcode 4 Cordova-based Application – DEBUG macro not defined
    Default GCC_VERSION is com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0 now
    Removed Xcode and iOS SDK checks in the installer (for Xcode 4.3 installs which go under /Applications now

Windows Phone

    Fixed WrappedXHR with headers
    stage 1 – bulk rename
    stage 2 – fix errors
    Moar renames
    Fix issue with single call to get heading from Compass API
    almost there
    fix for setRequestHeader
    Bunch more renaming
    removed stuff
    image updates
    renamed project refs
    fixed test project
    updated links to older phonegap.js files
    Updating templates
    add images
    new template
    MimeTypeMapper is required
    custom template
    removed bunk
    save me re-thinking what the description should be everytime. Note, this should be an automated process …
    updated template for bare-bones apps
    one more thing …
    skip having to rename all the files
    update 1.4.1 references to 1.5.0
    added templates for 1.5 quick dev, updated VERSION
    template descriptions can only be one line… awesome
    update instructions
    simplified, renamed Gap->Cordova
    Removed non-sense
Tulisan Lain   Android Snapshot : Membuat Emulator Android Lebih Cepat


    CB-219 Rename PhoneGap to Cordova

By alfach

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