Berikut ini beberapa command yang bisa jadi acuan di Solaris. Mencakup backup, network, memory, device dan sebagainya.
UNIX backups/Restore
Commands to take backup of /usr /var /lib directories to tape and disk using “tar”
1 2 3 | <blockquote>a) tar -cvf /dev/rmt/0 /usr /var /lib [Taking into tape ] b) tar -cvf backup_file.tar /usr /var /lib [ Taking disk image]</blockquote> |
Taking backup to a tape device attached to a remote system
1 2 3 | <blockquote>a) tar -cv /var /usr /lib | rsh remote_hostname dd of=/dev/rm/0 obs=128 b) ufsdump 0ucf remote_hostname:/dev/rmt/0 /file_system</blockquote> |
Extracting / Restore the contents of a tape /tar file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <blockquote>a) tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0 [ restore contents of a tar tape ] b) tar -xvf filename.tar [ Restore contents of a tar file ] c) ufsrestore f /dev/rmt/0 filename [Restore from ufsdump tape backup] d) ufsrestore rf remote_hostname:/dev/rmt/0 filename [ Restore from remote host tape device ]</blockquote> |
List contents of backup
1 2 3 4 5 | <blockquote>a) tar -tvf /dev/rmt/0 [ List contents of a tar tape ] b) tar -tvf filename.tar [ List contents of a tar file ] c) ufsrestore tf /dev/rmt/0 [ list contents of a tape of ufsdump]</blockquote> |
Processes and Processor
What are the types of priority classes supported by Solaris ?
1 | <blockquote>timesharing, system and reat-time</blockquote> |
How will you place a running process in real time class?
1 | <blockquote>priocntl -s –c RT –I uid process_id_number</blockquote> |
How will you start a process in real time class?
1 | <blockquote>priocntl –c RT –e process_name</blockquote> |
How will you bind a process to processor ?
1 | <blockquote>pbind –b processor_no process_id</blockquote> |
What is the pocket size used by SQL*NET Version 2 on Solaris
Ans :
1 | <blockquote>Default is 2K</blockquote> |
What is the procket size used by network layer TCP/IP in SQL*NET v2?
Ans :
1 | <blockquote>Default 1K</blockquote> |
Inter process communication (IPC) tuning
What is post wait driver ?
The post wait driver reduces the overhead incurred by the more expensive use of semaphore operation for interprocess communication.
What is the kernel parameter which controls the UNIX buffer cache on solaris ?
Ans :
1 | <blockquote>bufhwm ( bufhwm is the maximum amount of physical memory, in kilobytes that can be used by I/O buffers)</blockquote> |
While starting an oracle process , the unix system displays an erro message like “Cannot allocate more shared memory segment for the processes” If oracle person approaches you, how will you fix this problem?
1 | <blockquote>increase the value for kernel memory parameter "set semsys:seminfo_semmns" in /etc/system file. [ this is a blind way]</blockquote> |
System configurations
How do you find out total RAM installed on your machine
1 | <blockquote>$prtconf |grep size</blockquote> |
How do you find no. of processors installed on your sun box and processing speed?
1 | <blockquote>$psrinfo –v</blockquote> |
How do you find out how many disks are available on your system?
1 2 3 | <blockquote>$ format (for sysadmins) $ iostat –E (for users – count only the disks which has disk size correctly)</blockquote> |
System Boot Options
How do you boot sun box in single user mode?
1 | <blockquote>At ok prompt type "boot -s" [ ok boot -s OR ok boot -1 OR ok boot -S ]</blockquote> |
What are the commands to shutdown the system?
1 | <blockquote>shutdown, init , halt, reboot</blockquote> |
What is the meaning of logical name of a disk drive format like c0t0d0s0?
1 2 3 4 5 6 | <blockquote>c0 - Controller number t0 - SCSI bus target number d0 - Disk number s0 - Partition or slice number</blockquote> |
List some of the main device types?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | <blockquote>/dev/dsk - Disk devices /dev/rdsk - Raw or character devices /dev/rmt - Tape devices /dev/term - Serial line devices /dev/pts - Pseudo terminals</blockquote> |
List commands to display physical devices ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <blockquote>prtconf Sysdef Dmesg sysinfo</blockquote> |
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