Zarafa merupakan collaborative software berbasis Open Source sebagai alternatif atau pengganti Microsoft Exchange, sehingga bisa dikatakan zarafa seperti halnya collaborative software yang sudah populer, yaitu zimbra. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa zarafa lebih ringan dibandingkan zimbra.

Zarafa dikembangkan dari Belanda, dan berkembang sangat cepat di Eropa.

Zarafa memberikan email storage pada server side dan memiliki fitur Ajax-based mail client yang disebut WebAccess. Semua komponen server side dan WebAccess dari Zarafa dibawah lisensi AGPL . Beberapa fitur yang advance tersedia pada versi komersial.

Zarafa WebAccess memiliki kesamaan “look-and-feel” dengan aplikasi desktop Outlook. Jadi, bagi yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan Outlook, seharusnya tidak ada masalah menggunakan WebAccess. Selain itu tersedia personal address book, calendar, notes dan tasks, “Public Folders” dan shared calendar. Berikut ini komponen-komponen yang di bawa oleh Zarafa :

  • Zarafa Server (zarafa-server) – The server process accepts connections for all clients through SOAP(HTTP), and stores the data in an SQL database.
  • Zarafa License Manager (zarafa-licensed) – The licensed process checks which features will beavailable dependent on the license chosen for the Community, Standard, Professional or Enterprise edition.
  • Zarafa Windows Client – The Zarafa client provides access to Outlook through an interface known asMAPI. The connections with the server are handled by SOAP.
  • Zarafa Delivery Agent and Zarafa Spooler (zarafa-dagent, zarafa-spooler) – The tools which serve the email communication with the outside world. The dagent delivers mail from the Mail Transport Agent (MTA) to a Zarafa user. The spooler sends mail waiting in the outgoingqueue.
  • Zarafa Admin (zarafa-admin) – The commandline administration tool is used to manage users, user information and groups.
  • Zarafa Gateway (zarafa-gateway) – Optional service to provide POP3 and IMAP access to Zarafa users.
  • Zarafa Monitor (zarafa-monitor) – Service which monitors user stores for quota exceeds.
  • Zarafa Caldav (zarafa-caldav) – Optional service that provides iCal and CalDAV support. CalDAV is recommended due to speed and less data transfer.
  • Zarafa Backup and Zarafa Restore (zarafa-backup, zarafa-restore) – A brick-level backup tools to create simple backups of stores and to restore (part of) those backups on a later point in time. This part is only available in Zarafa commercial editions.
  • Zarafa-ssm – Optional service to provide monitoring and statistical data to Zarafa support. This part is only available for Professional and Enterprise editions
  • Apache – Serves web pages of the WebAccess to the users browser.
  • PHP – The WebAccess is written in this programming language.
  • PHP-MAPI extension – Module for PHP to enable use of the MAPI layer. Through this module, MAPI functions are made accessible for PHP developers. This effectively means that MAPI web clients can be written. The WebAccess is such a client.

Instalasi yang dilakukan cukup mudah, karena tidak melakukan konfigurasi DNS, domain, seperti halnya pada zimbra

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1. Download file zarafa versi komunitas di sini

2. Ekstrak

tar -xvf zarafa-6.30.10-rhel5-i386.tar.gz

3. masuk ke dalam direktori

cd zarafa-6.30.10-rhel5-i386
ls zarafa-6.30.10-18495.i386.rpm
libical-0.44-2.i386.rpm zarafa-webaccess-6.30.10-18495.noarch.rpm
libvmime-0.7.1-28.i386.rpm zarafa-webaccess-mobile-6.30.10-18495.noarch.rpm

4. Lalu jalankan install sh


Akan menampilkan wizard ini :

Zarafa Outlook Sharing, version 6.30.10-18495
(C) Copyright 2004-2007 Zarafa, The Netherlands
Please visit for more information.

About to install for RedHat 5 i386

Found MySQL version 5.0

We will now install Zarafa onto your system. You may be
required to install dependencies if the installation fails.

Press to continue

Installing packages …
########################################### [100%]
########################################### [ 25%]
########################################### [ 50%]
########################################### [ 75%]
########################################### [100%]
Restarting Apache to load the Zarafa PHP-extension.
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]

Installation of the software is complete.
We will now configure Zarafa services.

Please answer the following questions:

MySQL Server [localhost] :
MySQL Port [3306] :
MySQL User [root] : root
MySQL Password [] :
Database name [zarafa] :
Log method (file or syslog) [file] :
Log filename [/var/log/zarafa/server.log] :

Creating spooler configuration …
The spooler program send outgoing e-mail using an SMTP server
Please answer the follow questions:

SMTP server [localhost] :
Log method (file or syslog) [file] :
Log filename [/var/log/zarafa/spooler.log] :

Creating monitor configuration …
The monitor program sends quota warning mails to users who are over quota.
Please answer the follow questions:

Warning e-mail resend interval (in days) [1] :
Log method (file or syslog) [file] :
Log filename [/var/log/zarafa/monitor.log] :

Do you wish to run the Zarafa gateway as well? [y]
Log method (file or syslog) [file] :
Log filename [/var/log/zarafa/gateway.log] :
POP3 port [110] :

**Warning: When another service is currently providing POP3 support,
the gateway may not start because the port is already in use.

IMAP port [143] :

**Warning: When another service is currently providing IMAP support,
the gateway may not start because the port is already in use.

Done configuring services

Press to continue…

Your server has been configured with the following parameters:
MySQL server: localhost
MySQL port: 3306
MySQL user: root
MySQL password:
Log method: file
Log file: /var/log/zarafa/server.log

The server is running on port 236

If you wish to make changes, please edit the file /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
or /etc/zarafa/license/base for the serial number.

If you wish to make changes to the spooler or monitor configuration,
please edit the file spooler.cfg or monitor.cfg in the directory

To start Zarafa, you must run

/etc/init.d/zarafa-server start

Do you wish to start the server now? [y]
Starting zarafa-server: [ OK ]
Enabling Zarafa server on reboot

We will now create the public store with the ‘zarafa-admin -s’ command
Public created.

Use the ‘zarafa-admin -c’ command to create users.
Read the help or manual page for details, by typing:

man zarafa-admin

Press to continue…

For message delivery, ‘zarafa-dagent’ is available. Please read the
Installation documentation (PDF) on how to configure your mailserver.

To start the spooler, monitor and gateway, you must run

/etc/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
/etc/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
/etc/init.d/zarafa-gateway start

Do you wish to start the configured services now? [y]
Starting zarafa-spooler: [ OK ]
Starting zarafa-monitor: [ OK ]
Starting zarafa-gateway: [ OK ]
Press to continue

Currently the server is configured to accept SOAP connections on port
236. If you wish to connect Outlook clients on port 80,
please setup your web server to proxy HTTP requests with
URI=/zarafa to 236. This can be done in Apache2 with mod_proxy
with the ProxyPass configuration directive:

ProxyPass /zarafa http://localhost:236
ProxyPassReverse /zarafa http://localhost:236

The modules ‘proxy’ and ‘proxy_http’ need to be enabled.

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and remove comments
from following lines:

LoadModule proxy modules/
LoadModule proxy_http modules/
Do not forget to reload apache when you have altered the configuration.

The webaccess may already be available from http://server/webaccess.

5. Jika sudah selesai, maka coba buat user dengan menjalankan perintah :

zarafa-admin -c [username] -p [password] -e [email] -f [fullname] -a [administrator]

Pada < > ganti sesuai keinginan Anda, untuk administrator, nilai 1 atau 0.

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6. Lalu jalankan webaccess, kalau saya : http://localhost/webaccess

login zarafa

Halaman setelah login


By alfach

6 thoughts on “Install Zarafa di Centos 5.4”
  1. bisa. Berdasarkan download page nya itu untuk ubuntu 8.04. Selain itu juga bisa untuk basis debian 5.0, opensuse 10.2

  2. apa sih kelebihan dan kekurangannya zarafa ??
    mohon d jelasin y
    kalau ada situs nya tolong d kasih tau jg ya

  3. maaf baru balas. Saya sudah lama tidak ikut perkembangan zarafa. Kalau berbicara kelebihan dan kekurangan biasanya ada yg dibandingkan. Anggap kita bandingkan dengan zimbra.

    Kelebihan : zarafa lebih ringan, konfigurasi tidak ribet
    Kekurangan : fiturnya tidak secanggih zimbra

    sederhanya itu 🙂 . Maaf klo kurang membantu

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